
VIII International Postharvest Symposium

Cartagena. Spain. 21-24 June 2016

ISHS - International Society for Horticultural Science
UPCT - Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena


Dear Colleagues and Friends,

As Convener of the VIII International Postharvest Symposium it is both a pleasure and an honor to invite you to attend this worldwide meeting, which will be held in Cartagena, Region of Murcia, Spain, in June 21-24, 2016. Its subject 'Enhancing supply chain and consumer benefits: ethical and technological issues' reflects quite well the priorities that we have already considered as the most important. Today a sustainable technology based on just and liable principles is the greatest challenging issue in all regions of the world.

The previous Postharvest Symposiums attracted many attendees that we hope to have again this time in Cartagena, within a pleasant Mediterranean frame. For achieving that, it will have as hallmark highly renowned speakers who will analyze, share and discuss new developments and scientific advances that will affect the future of our field of interest.

Murcia is one of the leader Regions in Europe in the production and shipment of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as in the minimal processing, juices, canning, and frozen foods. Moreover, the scenic beaches, archaeological heritage, historic buildings and museums to visit in Cartagena, a more than three thousand years old city, are exceptional. To mention a few of them, the Byzantine Punic Rampart, the Roman Theater and Forum District or the unique National Museum of Underwater Archaeology. In addition, visit Spain is a good opportunity for enjoying everything under the sun: landscapes, food, music, traditions, beaches and so on.

Our Postharvest and Refrigeration Group of the Technical University of Cartagena, integrated by people from several countries, has always collaborated with many colleagues from all over the world. This is also true for the organization of this event. We need now your help to join us in making this Symposium a symbolic and remarkable scientific and social experience.

Looking forward to see you in Cartagena, in June 2016.

Very cordially,

Prof. Dr. Francisco Artés

Convener of the IPS 2016, on behalf of the Organizing Committee.

WELCOME TO VIII International Postharvest Symposium video

Platinum sponsors

Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad logo         Janssen PMP logo

ISOLCELL logo         AgroFresh logo

Golden sponsors

Fundación Cajamurcia logo            DECCO WORLD WIDE logo

Silver sponsors

FOMESA Fruitech logo       BIOCONSERVACIÓN logo       TECNIDEX logo       SANIFRUIT logo       Felix Instruments logo

CARM - Consejeria de Agua, Agricultura y Medio Ambiente logo       Ayto. de Cartagena logo       Autoridad Portuaria de Cartagena logo

Fundación Séneca logo